Fit Calisthenics – Routine of the Day
Today’s routine will focus on lower body. It’s not an easy routine and if you can do it with a partner even better. Make sure to warm up and stretch before you get going 💪🏽
It consists of 2 parts:
Part 1
- 10 walking lunges
- 10 jump squats
- 10 walking lunges
- 8 jump squats
- 10 walking lunges
- 6 jump squats
- 10 walking lunges
- 4 jump squats
- 10 walking lunges
- 2 jump squats
Part 2
- 10 single leg deadlifts (each leg)
- 20 narrow squats
- 30 calf raises
- 40 jumping jacks
- 50 sec wall sit
*For beginners, cut everything in half
*For advanced and savage, add extra weight and double up on the jump squats for “Part 1”
U R the fit man Carlos 😉 Keep up the great work, I’m coming for u soon.
Thank you!