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What’s going on guys! My name is Carlos Salas and I’ve been doing calisthenics for over 7 years. Throughout my journey, I’ve learned, grown and evolved so much that I now want to share everything I know and even all the things that I discover in the future with everyone.

Calisthenics was my way into fitness. After suffering a major injury (torn ACL) while playing soccer, I had to resort to lots of physiotherapy at my local gym. Being in the gym and doing all my recovery exercises, opened my eyes to fitness and what then became my only way to stay active since I couldn’t play any sports. To be honest, I never really liked the gym vibe. Everyone would go in and not say hi to the receptionist, plug themselves in with headphones, sit on a machine and pump it. To me, it felt dull, isolated and intimidating.

That’s when I decided to start taking my workouts outside and after doing some research on YouTube on types of workouts, I stumbled upon calisthenics. It wasn’t long until I was hanging off a bar, blasting music and enjoying the sun and a workout with friends.! Now, that did click with me!

I had the awesome opportunity to spend a few months in L.A doing a semester of my Design Program and that was the final touch that I needed to get crazy inspired to bring this movement of calisthenics to Canada.

From the time I came back from that trip on, I’ve been training calisthenics, plugging myself into the fitness industry in Toronto and pushing my type of training everywhere I go. I’ve seen calisthenics grow a lot and I’m super proud to be part of that group of people who are pushing it forward.

With FitCalisthenics, I intend to keep getting people involved by discovering the power of fitness through calisthenics and bodyweight movement. All you need to start moving and getting excited about your health is a little bit of inspiration and a reason WHY. Health is everything and if you have the chance to take control of your health and do what I did, I invite you and even challenge you to do it because at the end of the day you won’t regret it!


Author Carlito

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